
Dragonair Vore Story

Deviation Actions

NirvanaDraavon's avatar

Literature Text

Timid Splendor

The glittering apparition of the moon embroidered the night sky in gentile display, comforting to those who found the evening more than frightful, terrifying and spine tingling to a point where one would break out in a pouring sweat despite the chilling temperature. Oh the cold, the bitter cold the thoughts of a young girl moaned silently in complaint, curled up against the hard wall of a mountain face, exhausted and absent of any energy to continue on with her journey. Her breathing left shallow as she buried herself between her knees once more in a whine against the icy touch of the wind blowing in soft whispers all around her. Peeking out from her means of escape, staring past blue locks of hair, her gem eyes took notice of the celestial embodiment of the moon, appearing like a centre of wonders and awe as the stars danced and shimmered from all around it. The desire to reach out and touch it sprouted from within the young girl as the seed of a hardy sapling would, persistent and difficult to stop. Yet her will proved stronger in her refusal, casting aside the feeling as childish, too childish now as the pride and independence of any sixteen year old might feel. She was a young adult yes, but she was still a child all the same, still young and for some time longer to remain so. As powerful as the feeling of adolescence fumed within her heart and shied from display upon her demeanor, the young curiosity within her plagued her thoughts as she continued to stare upon the dancing stars with a feeling of no end to them and their light. Would they ever stop their traditional courtship, their everlasting twinkle in the sky? Unlikely for her time at least the young girl's mind had asked and answered itself with immediate reasoning, being very logical and as bright a star, though poorly applying herself towards the studies she had been given. Now having left her with the choice of one passion she cherished quite dearly, the admiration of nature and the pokemon that dwelt within it. Oh yes, she could remember, ever since she was a child she would look up to the sky in a frantic turning to all sides for the chance to bear witness to flocks of pidgey or spearow traveling in the great blue in search of food or water. She had always wished to see many of the rarer sights many did not come to witness first hand with their own eyes, dragonite roaming through the sky, or even the legendary pokemon on casual flight overhead as silly as it may have sounded. Wishing for so much only to become so fruitless in her eyes, eager and more than impatient, ready for anything and disheartened at both the thought and sight of nothing. The fear of achieving nothing so overwhelming it caused Sara to shutter. Yes Sara was her name, after her late mother who had fought with every last bit of strength and life she had in order to bring her daughter into the world, lost to an eternity of peaceful slumber with her last words to her newborn, "I will always be with you."

Her father having burst into the room too late, watching the final closing of his wife's eyes as doctors and nurses shuffled by one another in an attempt to revive the new mother, too late as well to save her. Tears stirred within Sara's eyes as the eyes of her mind envisioned the moment, too young to remember as to her it had only been a moment of confusion and panic, the world around the young infant so blurred and lost of rationality.  Her imagination dependent upon the story her father had relayed to her upon the day of her fourteenth birthday, believing the time had finally come to reveal the whole truth to Sara. Before she had only known her mother to have been wonderful, gentile, and undoubtedly beautiful through the pictures and mementos in the house, yet when she had asked what had happened to her, her only parent became silent and oblivious, unwilling to share any information. When the young girl persisted she would be granted with sudden anger, yelling, and punishment undeserved, lying awake in her bedroom feeling the same sadness she knew her father must have been experiencing and striving so hard to put out of sight.

Tears bursting free in streams of clear banners cascading down from her eyes, burying herself once more into her knees as she attempted to conceal her sadness from the prying eyes of the rest of the world, not wanting to be seen, not even wanting to be comforted in a selfish act of wanting to remain alone. The one wish she became granted with such ease her realization of it only came as torment, forcing out of her a sound of agony as if one might be harming her though nothing surrounded her. With the last bit of resilience and tough rebel against her sorrows Sara broke free of her sadness and revealed herself again to the world, wiping away her tears with a hand in final to her feelings before returning to gaze upon the night horizon, noting to her how truly late it was. She could feel...fatigue washing over both her body and mind, ushering her to rest with a tempting wipe of her senses, numbing every bit of her body. "Sleep young Sara", it would call to her again and again in soundless murmurs until the heaviness of her conscious overtook the young girl, and cast her deep into sleep.

With a yawn that shook her vibrant body, uncoiling and batting her winged ears in chorus with her movement, the stream body of the Dragonair carefully arose in unity with the mind escaping slumber. Eyes drooping and struggling to spread wide and accept the approach of the surrounding cave's appearance in slow hums and vibrations, causing her to feel disoriented, confused, tiresome. So tiresome is left the young female astonished without notion. How long had she rested through the prior night, she wondered. The time had passed without informing her, or even offering a sign of acknowledgement as it had so many times before. Never once in her life, as long as the Dragonair could recall, had she laid so unperturbed in sleep, almost troubled by the thought of it. The loss of a day to take part in, the peace of her respite of slumber she had been oblivious to, the exhaustion it brought to her. The...heaviness weighted over her serpent body as pillowing blanket as heavy as chains would feel, slowly becoming greater in her drowse she felt ready to collapse onto the smooth surface of the cave floor. To let herself fall back into her realm of dream, yet her instincts and will refused. Her mind shrieking to the lowly dragon to rise and awaken, there was no more time to rest, not now as dreams had passed and life became the center of reality once more. As the head endeavored to lift itself up, the body following in unison with weary movements, the great serpent brought herself up to a posture of prominence, readying herself to face the outer world of the night as she would with the day, with grace and curiosity. The folds of her frail skin stretching themselves to align perfectly with one another in a velvet formation, the relaxed muscles tensing in mild breaths to awaken themselves for the dragon's use as she lifted her head higher and drew in the first breath of the cold night air through her snout. The feeling of the wind whistling through her nostrils like tiny ice droplets against the inside membrane. Breathing out with an enlightened smile of content from the evening's greeting to her, calming her before a new sensation overwhelmed the dragon pokemon followed by the very sound that sent chills down her spine. A growl, a low growl of impatience, of cold necessity, of hunger, the hunger of the stomach presenting itself with irritation for her lack of attention to it, though more so worried for the being's survival and health of her body. Instinct driving her insides to complain to her as the Dragonair felt a hint of nausea that came with the lack of eating for extended periods of time, bending forward to recover and control herself. Striving to soothe the stirs within her for just a little more time, she would find food soon she thought to herself in promise, easing the calls of her gut. She must feed...truth being she never enjoyed such a function of life, such a necessity. The ending of another to continue on her own, the reality of felt so cruel, so heartless it was unbearable. The Dragonair never wanted to, time and time again refusing to the point of starvation, where her animal impulses finally overpowered her and she devoured through tears and shame, cast off into unconsciousness during every experience. Even now after putting forth her best effort to not change how she was and accept it, to feed without thought and absent of emotion, her past feelings laid deep within her heart, awaiting for her to remember them fully. She could not remember, she mustn't, she knew she mustn't for it pained her too much to do so and now was not the time to allow them place within her. Fighting back to regain her stance the Dragonair straightened herself with dignity and esteem, beginning to slither towards the dim streams of light extending through the entrance of her cave.

Her crystal eyes were the first to follow the tip of her snout, breaking the curtain of darkness within her home, witnessing with awe the tender and amazing atmosphere the night displayed across the horizon. Feeling almost as if it were planned, solely to her in perhaps a deserved reward, a beautiful one nonetheless it moved her to allow a relaxed sound of happiness slip from her maw, echoed into a call to her kind as she rested firmly upon the mountain trail to savor such a moment only a little longer, before moving on down towards the valley below. Even as she passed through the darker regions of the untouched side of the mountain by moonlight, she never forgot of the moon waiting for her to return as her pace never faltered, calmly pulling and extending herself in the motion of the snake so expertly, so comfortably despite her longing for form. Wishing to become whole, to evolve and embrace the gift and wonder of being a Dragonite, yet she never wanted to fully leave her current body. She had been a Dragonair for some time and took pride in herself, in her gentleness and beauty, feeling so elegant as a serpent it caused her instinctive drive to question itself and worry. Did she truly wish to become a Dragonite, she was left not knowing, not grasping any firm hold of desire or need. Only as her mind began to fully preoccupy itself with such a quarrel did she freeze in sudden attention, having felt her body slump over an object along the mountain path, carelessly slithering and distracted. The texture of it, the feeling of a rough surface, long and as thin as threads followed with the sensitive touch of skin, fragile smooth skin that lead to another sensation of fabric, vast and bonded like a patch. Such a variety of surfaces to draw in and feel, the dragon pokemon wondered what she had come to stumble upon in her obliviousness to the surrounding area, her memory of the path having been what guided her. In care that the mysterious object might have an easily disturbed fragility and may fall apart, the serpent slowly began to remove herself from atop, extending and pressing force into the muscles resting against the ground until she ascended just enough to turn to the side and allow her body to fall to the earth in a softened thud before turning to give attention once more to the object of interest. Long, flowing hair as blue as the the Dragonair's skin encloved around the face of the creature, pillowing the delicate cheeks and face hidden within the mass' coils, as if shying from the rest of the world and from the elegant, inquisitive pokemon whose eyes read over the body again and again. It was a human, a female of young age, small and indeed very delicate as the Dragonair knew. So delicate, so young and innocent, every thought of the passions that appeared with those who were filled with life and youth seeped into the serpent's mind, causing an unheard chuckle, a rousing of emotions to fill her heart as she admired the young being before her. The color of the beautiful as the shade of her hide, and even more in desirable to touch. Oh the touch, the poor girl felt lost to the bitter cold, enveloped in a barrier of that left her both frail and immobile as a stone. Had she lost herself to the unmerciful bite of the chilling air in the night, her body appearing so huddled and lifeless it brought tears to the eyes of the overseeing Dragonair. "Poor little one", her thoughts erupted in a passion of care, ushering her to movement as she wrapped a coil of her tail around the sleeping child, pressing her leather body against her in an attempt to warm and comfort. The thought of death disturbed her, inducing a sudden pant of worry to the dragon pokemon as reality flourished into her mind, clouding her vision in a burning haze. The young one was lost forever to eternal rest, having exhaled her last breath long before the serpent's arrival. There was nothing left of her now but an empty shell of a once beautiful being of life, young and so much in plan for her to come, now lost to the overwhelming exhaustion and desire to be released of all feeling and worries.

As the last touch of assurance secured itself within the Dragonair's mind, the horror of reality struck once more in the beckoning of hunger, the burning of the furnace coaxing for her to devour the lifeless girl as it wished to be satiated. No, never could she do such a terrible thing to the poor young one, she refused to with every bit of the gentile passion within her heart. Clenching around herself, grasping her body, flinging herself backwards as a towel thrown to the ground by an excited child fresh from a bath. Laying herself upon the dirt path with tearing eyes reflecting the moon's gaze, the Dragonair pondered the thought of her instinct to feed, asking the sky for guidance if it were to offer any to her. Answer lying only in the continuous whines of her famished stomach, beginning to leak its own form of reason into the serpent's mind in equally if not more terrifying thoughts of reality. "If you do not another shall", the voice of begging whispered in the depths of further regions within her mind as clearly spoken as from within her ears, twitching in discomfort. "You know another shall, and they will do it relentlessly. Snap and twist at her body. Mangle it. Think of it. You could bring her inside with tender movements. Show love in a fitting end. She would become a part of you forever", it ended with a gentile tone of persuasion, urging for the dragon pokemon to move, to rise and satisfy itself with sustenance. Truth, almost rationally given had been conveyed to the young dragoness as she continued to stare outward, tears dried and relieved to no longer be shed as she reasoned with herself and reluctantly gave in to such a compulsion. Shaky movements started her advance as she wrapped her tail around the young girl, gripping firm as delicate as possible for she would never allow any untrustworthy hint of force press to the little one. Positioning her head to meet the blue hair of the teenager's own, the final bit of hesitation took place, the Dragonair stalling herself and staring into the mass of blue locks as if too uncertain and lost to will herself to move, entranced and suddenly undoing the moment's hesitation with the closing of her eyes, parting her maw before her prey. Her lips and tongue mouthed a final apology to the girl as she ushered herself forward, pulling her body closer to her awaiting gorge, uniting the movements as the head was placed within the salivating cavern. The slimy appendage reaching out and caressing the soft cheeks, kneading the skin in fluid, welcoming her inside and securing a safe approach within. A cascading rain of blue hairs scattering over the face and brushing against the soft inner flesh of the Dragonair's mouth, rubbing dry against the gums and becoming dampened thick as the tongue probed about her surface like a curious serpent, probing and lathering her forehead and ears before it slithered and coiled around her neck. The jaws of the Dragonair preparing themselves to unhinge and expand as she crept herself forward, her rounded snout, more like that of a porpoise than the beak of a viper, claiming the child's spine with a soft, wet clap. As she finally exercised herself and spread out over the set of shoulders, she could feel the head be positioned at the back of her throat, slipping into her awaiting gullet, the muscles contracting to envelope the head and pull it inwards into the drenched passages that accepted the child so gracefully. The folds of her stretched mouth working their way over and around the shoulders, spreading and filling the pokemon's cheeks, intensity within the facial epidermis causing a forced blush to appear upon the Dragonair who slowly lifted her eyelids in a weak squint to survey her progress, her tongue journeying outward and finding itself massaging just under the girl's chest, sticking to the clothing in a wet grip that pulled her in greater tugs with each swallow. Opening her jaws as wide as the serpent found herself to be capable of she dove forward over the teenager's body, collapsing lips on the midsection, clapping her gums against the soaking clothes as the bulging within her throat had expanded instantaneously from the sudden gulp, gripping the child and forcing her deeper inside as the esophagus ushered in shivers of delight both against her and away, allowing her to sink within yet so eager in its waves of touch and pushes. The coils of the Dragonair had submitted themselves to the indulgence of the body in her feeding, releasing their hold and returning to the ground with the rest of serpent, no less covered in saliva as she found herself guilty of drooling over her meal, mouth locked just around the human's waist as she tilted her head to the sky in preparation for the final act. Straightening her snout with her neck and posture, she once more closed her eyes as she parted her jaws for the last time of the waning evening, allowing the rest of the girl to be claimed by gravity and slide into her awaiting gullet, slipping between the surrounding walls of flesh into the tight opening that had guided the upper of her body into the dragon snake's own, now leading the rest of her inside. Her legs falling limp in discomfort from their position, thighs pressing together as they were welcomed by kneading fluid, kneecaps behind one another in bending courtship of her legs until her feet remained as all that the ever watching world could see, lost forever in the closing of the Dragonair's maw as she gave one last gulp and sealed the young girl within the heating passages of flesh of her inner system. "I am so sorry...I promise... You will always remain with me", her voice resonated in a whisper to her lost meal, lowering her head to press the tip of her nose on the bulging mass of her form in a warm nuzzle of affection, seeking to soothe any sorrows that may have been left within the young girl's body unnoticed. It was almost as if she could feel even through her body an essence of life resonating, a sensation not warm but warmed, comforted and thankful. A response unexpected it left the unwilling predator perplexed, touched, and deeply saddened as her worries that troubled her long ago of feeding returned and spoke in despairing voices, distracting her for the stomach to begin its grueling process. "NO!!!" she cried out in her mind, twisting and shaking her head from side to side to rid her clouding emotions, she would not allow it to happen. "At least...not now" she beckoned her natural instincts to recede and allow her control, clenching her insides in an attempt to stop herself. "This one time! Please" the serpent begged, crying out in misery, unable to suppress her feelings any longer, able to feel the tingling sensation that tears were beginning to fill her naked eyes.

As her hopes were replaced with despairs and her faith with sorrow, a sudden assumation of light appeared before her, embodying itself perfectly and vibrating an echo of brilliance that spoke its presence to all around, capturing the Dragonair's immediate attention as it stemmed fear and awe within her. She had fallen pale, every bit of feeling within her slipping into crevices unseen, even the sorrowing burdens frightened away as she felt paralysis on an entirely new scale, freezing in place, her body halting all of its systems save for its vitalities as she swallowed a breath in gasp and skipped a beat of her heart. What was this, the only question able to present itself within her mind for all others felt out of place against the apparition of light. "Eilhda", a voice condensed and hummed to her for attention, addressing the pokemon with absolute direction as nothing else mattered. H-her name, it had spoken her name and with perfect pronunciation, leaving the young serpent left in bewilderment and fear. How had it come to know her name, to speak it in tongue so well? Eilhda...her label meaning timid splendor, shy embarrassment that she had always reflected upon throughout her life, even now before the celestial embodiment, quaking in appearance. "Take care of my daughter", a soft voice emanated from the apparition, refined with a tone of maternity and subtle beckoning to the dragon pokemon, the light advancing forth both towards her and beginning to twist and turn in ways she never imagined to be possible. The event taking place before unbelievable and bursting with awe, anomalous and astounding as the Dragonair shook her head for but a moment, closing her eyes in disbelief, in reject. It must be her emotions clouding her in such a manner unexpected and succeeding in having caught her off guard, it must be some sort of conjured fantasy by her mind, rationality escaping from her like blood from a deep wound as she reopened her eyes in hope that the air would have cleared, that she would awaken from this dream. Gasping in exclamation, hyperventilating in a strengthened state of immobility as the reality before was accepted, the embodiment having shaped itself in a form transparent, a lady ghostly and absent of touch now before her. The same blue hair as the girls, her head was a rock carelessly in the path of a rushing waterfall, parting its flow into two new streams around it, those same smooth locks and gentile face. There was no doubt or denial, the spirit before her was that of the young girl's mother, here now to leave the sanctity and future of her daughter to the serpent's care. A smile resting upon the woman's expression in conveying her gratitude, soon as she had come to appear before Eilhda, now lost of any time she could spare to remain, fading away into the moonlight forever as her presence carried off with flowing currents of the night breeze. "The girl!" her thoughts yelped to her in sudden realization, renewing her body with the tenderness she carried to govern over her movements as the Dragonair released herself from the trance, bowing her head to watch over and assure the young one still lay inside her, the bulging mass still in constant as it was before, offering not even a hint of movement to ensure her stomach had not yet taken action. "You're alive", Eilhda whispered unto the child within her, understanding the words of the visiting mother as her tears no longer suppressed burst free from their ducts, racing along the sides of the serpent's snout in their journey to reach the earth as she felt ashamed. Enwrapped in her fears and worries, she had truly believed the little girl had been stolen away by death, gulled and nearly becoming the force  towards the action itself. "I am so sorry!" the Dragonair cried out in apology and sorrow, drenched in her own droplets of despair as she rested her head against her body in embrace and comfort, trying to soothe the tensions within her and grasp the young one with every bit of kindness her heart could offer in warm resonance. Never should she have envisioned the worst and assumed it as reality, promising never again to be at such fault as she whispered once more to the little one within, hoping in some way she was able to hear her. "I promise. I will keep you safe..." words sealed in a pledge that echoed within Eilhda's mind, intent upon imprinting it with memory to guide her in the future she envisioned for the two of them. "Little Sara..."

The End.
I truly apologize as I know I have not submitted for some time. However I do hope many come to enjoy this piece as it took quite some time for me to construct. Fairest regards to all who dwell within fantasy and dreams,

© 2012 - 2024 NirvanaDraavon
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MorgrimSunflame's avatar
This seems really sad